Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to know when eggs are good or bad?

Let's be honest, how many of buy a carton of eggs and they sit there and we forget about them and they are way past the date on the carton, and we think, well how bad can they be? Well, this is a simple trick I heard a year or so ago. I can't remember who told me, but I cannot take credit for this.

  1. Place one egg in a bowl
  2. Pour some water in the bowl, enough to cover the egg at least three inches
  3. If it floats, its a bad egg, so throw it away. If the egg stays on the bottom of the bowl, you are dealing with one pretty fresh egg there. However, if you have an egg that decides to stand on one end, it's still okay, but you should use it ASAP.
Don't ask how I know this, I just do. So enjoy the eggs.

These are some random facts I have come across:
  • Older eggs make better hard-boiled eggs because they are easier to peel.
  • If the ANY egg is kept out of the refrigerator for more than two hours, yeah you should thrown them away.

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